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So, almost four years back, when I first started getting interested in the art of bonsai, I had one major challenge holding me back – the cost. While I was keen to buy and start training my first bonsai, the question that kept coming up was how much does a bonsai tree cost?
The average cost of a beginner bonsai tree is $47.88. The average price range for most store-bought bonsai is between $20 to $50. When all other factors are included, such as size, species, style, age, and outlet purchased from, the average cost of a bonsai increases to $209.
So what are the exact differences between bonsai tree species? And how exactly were these prices calculated? Keep reading to find out more!
Just a quick heads up, over the past three years of running Plantpaladin, hundreds of people have asked for product recommendations. As such, You can find my favorite indoor bonsai tree here (link takes you to Bonsaiboy), my favorite outdoor bonsai tree (link takes you to Bonsaiboy), or have a look at all the products I recommend here.
How much does a bonsai tree cost?
To get to the bottom of how much a bonsai tree costs, I reviewed over 100 different bonsai trees on the market, went into detail on the ten most common species, and took the different ages, sizes, and style variations into account.
I also surveyed 50 plant paladin readers who own their bonsai to understand how much they paid for their trees and even reached out to my local botanical gardens to ask for some expert advice on the cost of a bonsai tree.
All to ensure you have the most up-to-date post on how much a bonsai tree costs.
To summarize:
- The average cost of a bonsai tree most first-time beginners will purchase is between $20 and $50, with an average price of $47.88 (£38.30).
- As bonsai trees come in various sizes, styles, shapes, and species, the exact cost will vary depending on these factors.
- However, when all these factors are included, the average cost of a bonsai tree will be around $209 or £167.
- Beginner-friendly indoor bonsai species such as Chinese Elm, Ficus, or Fukien Tea are the cheapest, with Ficus trees averaging a price point of $46.37 (£37.09)
- There is, however, a correlation between the size of a bonsai tree and its cost.
- Hardy outdoor bonsai trees, however, that can be left outdoors year-round, such as Scot’s Pine bonsai, cost significantly more, averaging around $553 per tree.
- Bonsai trees under 20cm average a price point of $37.18 ($29.74), which is significantly less than bonsai trees that are over 50cm which have an average price point of $934 (£747)
- Older bonsai trees over 20 years old will also cost a lot more on average ($1018) than those five years and under ($70).
- Finally, the style of a bonsai tree also surprisingly plays a role in the cost of a bonsai with bonsai trees with multiple trunks retailing for the most with an average of $513.
How much does a bonsai tree cost – full comparison table:
Price (£)
Price ($)
Bonsai Size
Eastern Leaf
Chinese Elm
Shohin (15 CM) (fingertip)
Broom Style
5 years old
Eastern Leaf
Chinese Elm
Small (30-35 CM)
Informal Upright
7 years old
Yorkshire Bonsai
Chinese Elm
Large (65 CM)
20 years old
Chinese Elm
Shohin (10 CM)
Broom Style
5 years old
Chinese Elm
Shohin (10 CM)
Broom Style
5 years old
Chinese Elm
Small (30 CM)
Informal Upright
7 years old
Bonsai Direct
Chinese Elm
Medium (35-45 CM)
Informal Upright
5 years old
Amazon UK
Chinese Elm
Small (20-30 CM)
Informal Upright
7 years old
Amazon UK
Chinese Elm
Small (20-30 CM)
Informal Upright
9 Years
Chinese Elm
Medium (40-50 CM)
Informal Upright
5 years old
Yorkshire Bonsai
Ficus microcarpa banyan fig
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal upright
10 years
Yorkshire Bonsai
Ficus microcarpa banyan fig
30-40cm (small/medium))
Informal upright
10 years
Herons Bonsai
Ficus benjamina
30-40cm (small/medium))
Informal upright
15 years
Herons Bonsai
Ficus retusa
Small (30cm)
Informal upright
5-6 years
Ficus Ginseng
Shohin (10 CM)
15 years
Ficus benjamina
Small (30cm)
Broom style
10 years
Bonsai Direct
Ficus benjamina
Small (30cm)
Informal upright
5 years
Ficus retusa
Small (30cm)
Broom style
10 years
Ficus retusa
30-40cm (small/medium))
Informal upright
10 years
Eastern Leaf
Ficus benjamina
Small (30cm)
Informal upright
5 years
Eastern Leaf
Juniper Procumbens Nana
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal upright
3 Years
Eastern Leaf
Juniper Procumbens Nana
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal upright
5 Years
Eastern Leaf
Juniper Procumbens Nana
30cm (small)
Informal upright
5 Years
Eastern Leaf
Juniper Procumbens Nana
30cm (small)
Informal upright
6 Years
Amazon UK
Juniperus Chinensis
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal upright
Juniperus Chinensis
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal upright
10 Years
eBay UK
Juniperus Chinensis
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal upright
4 years
Etsy UK
Juniperus Chinensis
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal upright
6 years
Bonsai Direct
Juniperus Chinensis
30cm (small)
Informal upright
15 Years
Bonsai Direct
Juniperus Chinensis
30cm (small)
Formal upright
5 years
Bonsai Direct
Crassula ovata
41cm (medium)
16 years
Bonsai Direct
Crassula ovata
41cm (medium)
Informal upright
17 years
Bonsai Direct
Crassula ovata
47cm (medium)
Informal upright
18 years
Happy Houseplants
Crassula ovata
10cm (shohin)
Formal upright
5 years
Eastern Leaf
Crassula ovata
30-40cm (small/medium)
Formal upright
5 years
Eastern Leaf
Crassula ovata
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal upright
5 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
Portulacaria afra
47cm (medium)
Formal upright
7 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
Portulacaria afra variegata
20-30cm (small)
Broom Style
7 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
Portulacaria afra
30-40cm (small/medium)
10 years
Fukien Bonsai Tree
30-40 cm
Informal upright
7 Years
Bonsai Direct
Oriental Tea Tree Carmona
25-30 cm
Informal upright
8 years
Carmona Indoor Bonsai Tree
25-30 cm
Informal upright
5 years
Carmona Fukien Tree
15 cm
Informal upright
5 years
Indoor Fukien Tea Carmona
25-30 cm
Broom Style
5-7 years
Indoor Fukien Tea Carmona
25-30 cm
Informal upright
8-12 years
Cambridge Bee
Bonsai Carmona Fukien Tea
20 cm
Formal upright
7 years
Fukien Tea Bonsai
25-30 cm
Informal upright
7 years
Bonsai Direct
Twisty Oriental Fukien Tea
25-30 cm
Informal upright
8 years
Yorkshire Bonsai
Japanese Maple
30 - 40cm
Formal upright
7 Years
Herons Bonsai
Japanese Maple
40 to 44cm
Formal upright
12 years
Herons Bonsai
Japanese Maple
30 - 40cm
Formal upright
7 Years
Herons Bonsai
Japanese Maple
15 years
Japanese Maple
Formal upright
10 years
Japanese Maple
Formal upright
20 years
Amazon UK
Japanese Maple
Formal upright
7 Years
Amazon UK
Japanese Maple
Formal upright
7 Years
All Things Bonsai
Japanese Maple
Informal upright
10 years
Eastern Leaf
Japanese Maple
Formal upright
10 years
All Things Bonsai
Scots Pine Bonsai
Formal upright
25 years
Yorkshire Bonsai
Japanese White Pine Bonsai
Informal upright
15 years
eBay UK
Scots Pine Bonsai
Informal upright
5 years
Herons Bonsai
Outdoor Mugo Pine Bonsai Tree
12 years
Herons Bonsai
Kabudachi Mugo Pine Bonsai
20 years
Bonsai Direct
Mountain Pine Bonsai
Informal upright
12 years
Bonsai Direct
Mediterranean Aleppo Pine Bonsai
Informal upright
12 years
Bonsai Direct
Twin-Trunked Yew Bonsai Tree
12 years
Japanese White Pine Bonsai
Informal upright
25 years
Kaizen Bonsai
Scots Pine Bonsai Material
Informal upright
10 years
Bonsai Direct
Serissa Japonica
Formal upright
10 years
All Things Bonsai
27 cm
Formal upright
7 years
Variegated Serissa
Broom Style
5 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
Serissa Japonica
25 - 30cm
Informal upright
15 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
Serissa Japonica
25 - 30cm
Formal upright
15 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
Serissa Japonica
25 - 30cm
Informal upright
10 years
Serissa Japonica
25 - 30cm
Formal upright
5 year
Eastern Leaf
Serissa Japonica
25 - 30cm
Informal upright
5 year
Bonsai boy
Serissa Japonica
25 - 30cm
Broom Style
7 years old
Serissa Phoetida Snow Rose
Informal upright
5 years
Bonsai Direct
Informal upright
12 years
The Norfolk Olive Tree Company
Informal upright
20-25 years
The Norfolk Olive Tree Company
25 - 30cm
Formal upright
5 years
Olive Grove Oundle
Arbequinia Olive
Formal upright
25-30 years
Way of Life Bonsai
Olive Europaea
Informal upright
25-30 years
Informal upright
7 years
Amazon UK
Olive Europeana
25 - 30cm
Formal upright
5 years
Amazon UK
Olive Europaea
25 - 30cm
5 years
Eastern Leaf
25 - 30cm
Informal upright
7 years
Eastern Leaf
25 - 30cm
Formal upright
7 years
Eastern Leaf
25 - 30cm
Formal upright
5 years
Eastern Leaf
Cork Oak
Formal upright
9 Years
Informal upright
5 years
Informal upright
5 years
Bonsai Direct
English Oak
Informal upright
7 Years
Bonsai Direct
Informal upright
20 years
All Things Bonsai
Formal upright
25 years
This is a lot of information and a massive topic, so let’s break down these factors in more detail, starting with the differences by species.
How much does a bonsai tree cost by species?
So the species is the first factor most of us consider when buying a bonsai tree.
The type of bonsai we buy will vary depending on our experience, time, and if we like the tree’s look.
As such, I compared the ten most popular bonsai species to give you a good idea of what you should pay for your chosen species.
Ficus and Ginseng Ficus trees are amongst the cheapest bonsai tree species, averaging $46.37. The most expensive bonsai tree species are pine varieties which average $553.
Chinese elm
Fukien Tea
Japanese Maple

What is the cheapest bonsai tree by species?
The cheapest bonsai tree species are Fukien Tea varieties, with an average price of $40. Other indoor beginner-friendly trees, such as Chinese Elm, are also relatively inexpensive, averaging $49.49
What is the most expensive bonsai tree by species?
The most expensive bonsai tree by species is outdoor hardy pine varieties such as Scots pine. These trees, on average, retail for $553 (£442), even for trees that are 30cm and under in size.
Let’s break down all ten of these species in more detail.
How much does a Chinese Elm bonsai cost
So first up, we have Chinese Elm bonsai trees.
These are the most popular bonsai tree species for beginners, and I do not doubt that you have or have had one of these trees at one point in your bonsai journeys.
Because of their commonality, these bonsai trees are relatively inexpensive.
Chinese Elm bonsai trees, on average, cost $49.39 or £39.50. Most inexpensive Chinese Elm can retail for $20 to $40. Large premium Chinese Elm bonsai can retail for up to $624.
The average price of a small Chinese Elm bonsai, using the information from the retailers below, is $84.84.
*the averages above don’t include the expensive outliers in the table below.
Price (£)
Price ($)
Bonsai Size
Eastern Leaf
Shohin (15 CM) (fingertip)
Broom Style
5 years old
Eastern Leaf
Small (30-35 CM)
Informal Upright
7 years old
Yorkshire Bonsai
Large (65 CM)
20 years old
Shohin (10 CM) (fingertip)
Broom Style
5 years old
Shohin (10 CM)
Broom Style
5 years old
Small (30 CM)
Informal Upright
7 years old
Bonsai Direct
Medium (35-45 CM)
Informal Upright
5 years old
Amazon UK
Small (20-30 CM)
Informal Upright
7 years old
Amazon UK
Small (20-30 CM)
Informal Upright
9 years old
Medium (40-50 CM)
Informal Upright
5 years old
How much does a Ficus bonsai cost?
Tied with Chinese Elm bonsai has to be the Ficus tree.
These bonsai make for the perfect indoor bonsai, being super easy to care for and ideal for beginners and experts alike. With over 800 varieties of FIcus, I broke down the average cost of this subspecies to work out the cost.
Ficus bonsai trees cost $46.37 on average or £37.10. Most ficus trees can be purchased for between $25 to $50. The most expensive ficus bonsai tree species are Ficus Retusa, with large varieties costing upwards of $493.
*the averages above don’t include the expensive outliers
However, Ficus Benjamina and Ginseng Ficus tend to cost significantly less and are much more common in bonsai circles.
Price (£)
Price ($)
Bonsai Size
Yorkshire Bonsai
Ficus microcarpa banyan fig
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal upright
10 years
Yorkshire Bonsai
Ficus microcarpa banyan fig
30-40cm (small/medium))
Informal upright
10 years
Herons Bonsai
Ficus benjamina
30-40cm (small/medium))
Informal upright
15 years
Herons Bonsai
Ficus retusa
Small (30cm)
Informal upright
5-6 years
Ficus Ginseng
Shohin (10 CM)
15 years
Ficus benjamina
Small (30cm)
Broom style
10 years
Bonsai Direct
Ficus benjamina
Small (30cm)
Informal upright
5 years
Ficus retusa
Small (30cm)
Broom style
10 years
Ficus retusa
30-40cm (small/medium))
Informal upright
10 years
Eastern Leaf
Ficus benjamina
Small (30cm)
Informal upright
5 years
How much does a Juniper bonsai cost?
So I’ve already written a separate post about how much Juniper bonsai trees cost, which you can find out more about here.
Juniper bonsai trees are prevalent, typically the tree most people have in their heads when thinking of bonsai.
So how much does this evergreen bonsai cost?
Juniper bonsai trees, on average, retail for $160 or £128. A general price range for juniper bonsai is between $29 to $498. Size matters when it comes to juniper, with junipers less than 30cm retailing for significantly less than their larger counterparts.
Price (£)
Price ($)
Bonsai Size
Eastern Leaf
Juniper Procumbens Nana
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal Upright
3 Years
Eastern Leaf
Juniper Procumbens Nana
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal Upright
5 Years
Eastern Leaf
Juniper Procumbens Nana
30cm (small)
Informal Upright
5 Years
Eastern Leaf
Juniper Procumbens Nana
30cm (small)
Informal Upright
6 Years
Amazon UK
Juniperus Chinensis
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal Upright
Juniperus Chinensis
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal Upright
10 Years
eBay UK
Juniperus Chinensis
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal Upright
4 years
Etsy UK
Juniperus Chinensis
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal Upright
6 years
Bonsai Direct
Juniperus Chinensis
30cm (small)
Informal Upright
15 Years
Bonsai Direct
Juniperus Chinensis
30cm (small)
Formal upright
5 years
How much does a Jade bonsai cost?
If you live in an apartment or small space or in a dry, warm climate, then an ideal bonsai tree must be Jade.
This succulent can help differentiate your bonsai tree from others in your collection, but does its novel nature mean it will be more expensive?
Jade bonsai costs $136 or £109 on average. Jade bonsai will retail at the price range of $31 to $406. Older Jade bonsai over 18 years old will cost significantly more than younger varieties.
Smaller Jade bonsai, however, that most of you will be looking for will cost significantly less, with most Shohin Jade bonsai retailing for around $30.
Price £
Price $
Bonsai size
Bonsai style
Tree Age
Bonsai Direct
Crassula ovata
41cm (medium)
Twin trunk style
16 years
Bonsai Direct
Crassula ovata
41cm (medium)
Informal upright style
17 years
Bonsai Direct
Crassula ovata
47cm (medium)
Informal upright style
18 years
Happy Houseplants
Crassula ovata
10cm (shohin)
upright formal
5 years
Eastern Leaf
Crassula ovata
30-40cm (small/medium)
formal upright
5 years
Eastern Leaf
Crassula ovata
30-40cm (small/medium)
Informal upright style
5 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
Portulacaria afra
47cm (medium)
formal upright
7 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
Portulacaria afra variegata
20-30cm (small)
7 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
Portulacaria afra
30-40cm (small/medium)
Cascade style
10 years
How much does a Fukien Tea bonsai cost?
Despite having a name that makes you double-take, go to any garden center on bonsai nurseries; these will be amongst the best sellers.
As these trees are super easy to take care of, they are amongst the cheapest trees on this list.
Fuckien tea bonsai trees are inexpensive regardless of size, style, or age. The average cost of a Fukien Tea bonsai tree is $40.43 or £32.34. A good price range for fucken tea bonsai trees is between $19.99 to $60.
Price £
Price $
Bonsai size
Bonsai style
Tree Age
Fukien Bonsai Tree
30-40 cm
Informal Upright, S-Shaped
7 Years
Bonsai Direct
Oriental Tea Tree Carmona
25-30 cm
Informal Upright, Broom
8 years
Carmona Indoor Bonsai Tree
25-30 cm
Informal Upright
5 years
Carmona Fukien Tree
15 cm
Informal Upright
5 years
Indoor Fukien Tea Carmona
25-30 cm
Broom Style
5-7 years
Indoor Fukien Tea Carmona
25-30 cm
Informal Upright, Cascade
8-12 years
Cambridge Bee
Bonsai Carmona Fukien Tea
20 cm
formal upright
7 years
Fukien Tea Bonsai
25-30 cm
Informal Upright
7 years
Bonsai Direct
Twisty Oriental Fukien Tea
25-30 cm
Informal Upright, Broom
8 years
How much does a Japanese Maple bonsai cost?
If you were to ask me which bonsai tree species is the most sought-after, it would have to be the Japanese Maple.
The reason the bright leaves come in a wide variety of colors.
Japanese Maples are incredibly sought after, but does this impact the cost?
A Japanese Maple bonsai tree costs $321 or £257 on average. Smaller inexpensive Japanese Maple can retail for as little as $37, with more premium competition Japanese Maple bonsai retailing for over $1000.
This increased cost is due to the care required to grow Japanese Maples.
You see, these trees are nowhere easy to train as Ficus or Chinese Elms hence the added cost.
On top of this, larger Japanese maple bonsai can retail for well over $1000, so ensure that if you want to purchase one of these trees – it can cost a significant amount.
Price £
Price $
Bonsai size
Bonsai style
Tree Age
Yorkshire Bonsai
Japanese Maple
30 - 40cm
upright formal
7 Years
Herons Bonsai
Japanese Maple
40 to 44cm
upright formal
12 years
Herons Bonsai
Japanese Maple
30 - 40cm
upright formal
7 Years
Herons Bonsai
Japanese Maple
Multiple trunk
15 years
Japanese Maple
upright formal
10 years
Japanese Maple
upright formal
20 years
Amazon UK
Japanese Maple
upright formal
7 Years
Amazon UK
Japanese Maple
upright formal
7 Years
All Things Bonsai
Japanese Maple
informal upright
10 years
Eastern Leaf
Japanese Maple
upright formal
10 years
How much does a Pine bonsai cost?
Outdoor pine and Scots Pine varieties are the most expensive bonsai tree species.
You can keep these trees outdoors year-round, and their evergreen leaves make them ideal for use in competition. These trees also live for an incredibly long time. As such, you can expect pine bonsai trees to retail for a lot.
Pine bonsai trees cost, on average, $553 or £442. A general price range for these trees is between $100 to $1000. Larger pine varieties taller than 50cm can retail for over $2000.
Price £
Price $
Bonsai size
Bonsai style
Tree Age
All Things Bonsai
Scots Pine Bonsai
Formal upright
25 years
Yorkshire Bonsai
Japanese White Pine Bonsai
Informal Upright
15 years
eBay UK
Scots Pine Bonsai
Informal Upright
5 years
Herons Bonsai
Outdoor Mugo Pine Bonsai Tree
12 years
Herons Bonsai
Kabudachi Mugo Pine Bonsai
20 years
Bonsai Direct
Mountain Pine Bonsai
Informal Upright
12 years
Bonsai Direct
Mediterranean Aleppo Pine Bonsai
Informal Upright
12 years
Bonsai Direct
Twin-Trunked Yew Bonsai Tree
12 years
Japanese White Pine Bonsai
Informal Upright
25 years
Kaizen Bonsai
Scots Pine Bonsai Material
Informal Upright
10 years
How much does a Serissa bonsai cost?
One popular bonsai species that has yet to get the love it used to is the serissa bonsai tree.
Also known as the snow rose, these bonsai bloom bright white flowers and can add much-needed color to your bonsai collection.
The average price of a Serissa bonsai is $76 or £61. A general price range for serissa bonsai is $31 to $120. As such, Serissa bonsai trees are priced medium when compared to other bonsai tree species.
Price £
Price $
Bonsai size
Bonsai style
Tree Age
Bonsai Direct
Serissa Japonica
Formal upright
10 years
All Things Bonsai
27 cm
Formal upright
7 years
Variegated Serissa
5 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
Serissa Japonica
25 - 30cm
Informal Upright
15 year
Bonsai Tree Gardener
Serissa Japonica
25 - 30cm
Lava Rock Pot
15 year
Bonsai Tree Gardener
Serissa Japonica
25 - 30cm
Informal Upright
10 year
Serissa Japonica
25 - 30cm
Formal upright
5 year
Eastern Leaf
Serissa Japonica
25 - 30cm
Informal Upright
5 year
Bonsai boy
Serissa Japonica
25 - 30cm
7 years old
Serissa Phoetida Snow Rose
Informal Upright
5 years
How much does an Olive bonsai cost?
Fruit bonsai trees such as olive are also proving more and more popular, and one such species that many people are now opting for are olive bonsai trees.
These trees work perfectly indoors and can add Mediterranean flavor to a cold climate.
Olive bonsai trees will typically cost $329 or £263. Older olive bonsai trees over 25 can cost between $500 and $1000. Small olive bonsai trees, however, that are under five years old can be relatively inexpensive but retail at around $18.
If you are considering getting an olive bonsai tree, I suggest investing in a cheaper, smaller option, as more giant olive bonsai trees will price many of you out of the market.
Price £
Price $
Bonsai size
Bonsai style
Tree Age
Bonsai Direct
Informal Upright
12 years
The Norfolk Olive Tree Company
Informal Upright
20-25 years
The Norfolk Olive Tree Company
25 - 30cm
Formal upright
5 years
Olive Grove Oundle
Arbequinia Olive
Formal upright
25-30 years
Way of Life Bonsai
Olive Europaea
Informal Upright
25-30 years
Informal Upright
7 years
Amazon UK
Olive Europeana
25 - 30cm
Formal upright
5 years
Amazon UK
Olive Europaea
25 - 30cm
Multiple branch
5 years
Eastern Leaf
25 - 30cm
Informal Upright
7 years
Eastern Leaf
25 - 30cm
Formal upright
7 years
Eastern Leaf
25 - 30cm
Formal upright
5 years
How much does an oak bonsai cost?
Finally, we come to the Oak bonsai tree.
Both English and Turkish Oak trees can be used and grown successfully into bonsai trees.
The only caveat to this, however, is that these trees have to be kept outdoors, and because these trees are slightly rarer than the rest on this list, this can impact the cost of these trees.
Oak bonsai trees cost, on average, $251 or £201. The price of oak bonsai trees, however, increases significantly as these trees get older, with oak bonsai trees older than 20 years old costing between $300 to $600.
Invest in oak bonsai early on for the best results to save on costs. Younger trees will typically retail for around $18 to $50.
Most oak trees will be grown in the formal or informal upright position.
However, you can get around this cost by growing your oak bonsai tree from an acorn.
Price £
Price $
Bonsai size
Bonsai style
Tree Age
Eastern Leaf
Cork Oak
formal upright
9 Years
informal upright
5 years
informal upright
5 years
Bonsai Direct
English Oak
Informal Upright
7 Years
Bonsai Direct
Informal Upright
20 years
All Things Bonsai
formal upright
25 years
How much does a bonsai tree cost by age?
So next up, I wanted to determine if age impacts the cost of a bonsai tree, so I compared the bonsai trees by age in different brackets, and the results were pretty shocking.
Older bonsai trees cost significantly more than younger bonsai trees. Bonsai trees that are over 20 years old retail for $1018 on average when compared to bonsai trees that are five years or less, which retail for $70 on average.
The main factor for this is the older a bonsai tree becomes, the more movement and style this bonsai tree will gain.
This means that older bonsai trees become artifacts and is one of the reasons why some of the world’s oldest bonsai trees have been valued at millions of dollars.
The oldest bonsai tree is a Ficus bonsai kept in Crespi, Italy, which is believed to be over 1000 years old. This tree is the signature tree at the Crespi Bonsai Museum, where it is kept. This tree is priceless.
On top of this, older bonsai trees are also significantly larger, falling into the imperial bonsai bracket.
This larger size then also typically results in a much more expensive cost.
The price jump, however, is geared toward the latter stages of a bonsai tree’s life, as the jump between five to ten years old is only marginal.
Average by age
5 years and under
5 to 10
10 to 20

Let’s break these down in more detail.
How much does a 5-year-old bonsai tree cost?
Bonsai trees that are five years and under typically retail for $70 on average or £56. Most bonsai trees that are five years and under will fall in the price range of $15 to $40. Some outliers for premium trees, however, can cost upwards of $200.
It’s worth noting that most bonsai trees are sold at this age range.
Price ($)
Eastern Leaf
5 years old
5 years old
5 years old
Bonsai Direct
5 years old
5 years old
Herons Bonsai
5-6 years
Bonsai Direct
5 years
Eastern Leaf
5 years
Eastern Leaf
3 Years
Eastern Leaf
5 Years
Eastern Leaf
5 Years
eBay UK
4 years
Bonsai Direct
5 years
Happy Houseplants
5 years
Eastern Leaf
5 years
Eastern Leaf
5 years
5 years
5 years
5-7 years
eBay UK
5 years
5 years
5 year
Eastern Leaf
5 year
5 years
The Norfolk Olive Tree Company
5 years
Amazon UK
5 years
Amazon UK
5 years
Eastern Leaf
5 years
5 years
5 years
How much does a 10-year-old bonsai tree cost?
5 to 10-year-old bonsai trees will cost $81 on average or $65. A general price range, however, for 5 to ten-year-old bonsai trees will be between $50 to $100. Bonsai trees in the 5 to 7-year mark will be slightly cheaper than those in the 8 to 10-year mark.
Bonsai trees are also commonly sold at this price range by most well-known retailers.
Price ($)
Eastern Leaf
7 years old
7 years old
Amazon UK
7 years old
Amazon UK
9 Years
Yorkshire Bonsai
10 years
Yorkshire Bonsai
10 years
10 years
10 years
10 years
Eastern Leaf
6 Years
10 Years
Etsy UK
6 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
7 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
7 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
10 years
7 Years
Bonsai Direct
8 years
5-7 years
Cambridge Bee
7 years
7 years
Bonsai Direct
8 years
Yorkshire Bonsai
7 Years
Herons Bonsai
7 Years
10 years
Amazon UK
7 Years
Amazon UK
7 Years
All Things Bonsai
10 years
Eastern Leaf
10 years
Kaizen Bonsai
10 years
Bonsai Direct
10 years
All Things Bonsai
7 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
10 years
Bonsai boy
7 years old
7 years
Eastern Leaf
7 years
Eastern Leaf
7 years
Eastern Leaf
9 Years
Bonsai Direct
7 Years
How much does a 15-year-old bonsai tree cost?
Bonsai trees between 10 and 20 years old will retail for $174 on average or £139. The price difference is less about the age of the tree and more about the quality of the tree.
Price ($)
Yorkshire Bonsai
10 years
Yorkshire Bonsai
10 years
Herons Bonsai
15 years
15 years
10 years
10 years
10 years
10 Years
Bonsai Direct
15 Years
Bonsai Direct
16 years
Bonsai Direct
17 years
Bonsai Direct
18 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
10 years
Herons Bonsai
12 years
Herons Bonsai
15 years
10 years
All Things Bonsai
10 years
Eastern Leaf
10 years
Yorkshire Bonsai
15 years
Herons Bonsai
12 years
Bonsai Direct
12 years
Bonsai Direct
12 years
Bonsai Direct
12 years
Kaizen Bonsai
10 years
Bonsai Direct
10 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
15 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
15 years
Bonsai Tree Gardener
10 years
Bonsai Direct
12 years
How much does a 20-year-old bonsai tree cost?
On average, bonsai trees 20 years and older cost $1018 or £814. Most bonsai trees older than 20 years will fall from $400 to $200. Even the cheapest bonsai tree in this age range will cost at least $500.
At the 10-year mark, most bonsai tree species will see a significant jump in their price.
Price ($)
Yorkshire Bonsai
20 years old
20 years
All Things Bonsai
25 years
Herons Bonsai
20 years
25 years
The Norfolk Olive Tree Company
20-25 years
Olive Grove Oundle
25-30 years
Way of Life Bonsai
25-30 years
Bonsai Direct
20 years
All Things Bonsai
25 years
Do larger bonsai cost more than smaller bonsai?
So age and species are the two most significant factors when buying a bonsai, but one other super important factor is just taking note of the size of a bonsai tree.
After all, it’s all well and good to buy a two-meter imperial-sized bonsai, but if you have low ceilings, the chances are you are going to need more time to fit this in.
So do different size bonsai trees cost more?
Larger bonsai trees cost a lot more than smaller bonsai trees. Bonsai trees with an average size of over 50cm cost an average of $934. This is significantly more than a bonsai tree under 10cm, which costs $30.77.
Average by size (CM)
The larger a bonsai tree becomes, the older it is likely to be hence why some of the largest imperial-sized bonsai trees tend to cost the most and be the oldest tree.

Does bonsai style impact cost?
The last factor I wanted to consider was if style impacts the cost of a bonsai tree.
While most of us are happy to grow out our bog standard formal upright trees, the more style and bends your tree has, the more likely you are to enter it into competitions.
To give you an example, bonsai trees typically fall under the following styles:
- Formula upright
- Informal upright
- Cascade
- Semi-cascade
- Broom
- Slanting
- Twin trunk
- Forest.
This should mean more stylish bonsai trees cost more, but what does the data say?
When running through the data, one of the difficulties I had with style was that many retailers don’t sell super bespoke bonsai tree styles.
Instead, they all tend to fall in the Slanting, Multiple trunk, Broom, formal upright, informal upright, cascade, and slanting styles.
Broom bonsai trees are styles of bonsai that cost the least, averaging around $43 or £34.45. The most expensive bonsai tree style is Multiple trunk bonsai which can cost upwards of $511 on average.

Average by style
Multiple trunk
Informal upright
Formal upright
How much does a bonsai tree cost – how were the prices calculated?
When you talk about an item’s cost in detail, it’s essential to show how the averages and prices were calculated.
Rather than quickly looking at 5 or 6 bonsai trees and giving general advice, I wanted to do the research and this post as comprehensively as possible.
As a result, I compared well over 100 bonsai trees against each other from a wide variety of retailers to ensure the pricing and costing in this post were as accurate as possible at the time of posting this.
On top of this, I undertook my survey of 50 plant paladin readers ( which we will get to later) to confirm that these prices were accurate as possible)
Which retailers were used?
I used 22 famous and independent online and in-store retailers for the study.
This was to show that a wide variety as possible was used, ensuring that the averages given in this post were as accurate as possible.
The full list of retailers selected then was as follows:
- Ikea
- Eatern leaf
- Bonsai 2 u
- Herons
- Amazon UK
- Amazon USA
- Ebay
- Etsy
- Homebase
- Yorkshire bonsai
- Bonsai Direct
- Arebquinia Olive
- Bonsai Boy
- Bonsai tree gardener
- Brycus
- Happy houseplants
- Kaizen bonsai
- Olive Grove Oundle
- Oxy-Plants
- Norfolk Olive Tree Company
- Way of life bonsai
What species of bonsai were used?
With so many bonsai species, I could have quickly gone into detail on literally thousands of species used in bonsai.
I kept the information as relevant as possible and only used ten of the most popular species.
These include:
- Chinese Elm
- Ficus
- Juniper
- Jade
- Fukien Tea
- Japanese Maple
- Pine
- Serissa
- Olive
- Oak
What Factors impact the cost of a bonsai tree?
Finally, bonsai trees are so individualistic I needed to break the information into easy-to-understand segments.
As such, the four parameters we went into above were selected, and data and costs were segmented by the following:
- Bonsai species
- Age
- Size
- Style
These are the four most significant factors and decisions people typically make when buying their bonsai trees.
Has inflation impacted the cost of bonsai trees?
Like all consumer goods, foods, and plants, bonsai trees have increased in price due to inflation.
Where bonsai trees used to cost between $20 to $30 in the past year or so, this average has increased to $30 to $50 for an average-sized bonsai tree.
Do fruit bonsai trees cost more?
There is no difference in price between the cost of a fruit bonsai tree and non-fruit bonsai. Most fruit bonsai, such as lemon or crab apple bonsai, typically cost the same as Ficus of Elm bonsai. The main factors that will differentiate the cost are the age and size of the tree.
Do indoor or outdoor bonsai cost more?
Bonsai trees kept outdoors cost significantly more than indoor bonsai. Pine varieties that can be kept outdoors year-round cost $553 on average compared to indoor bonsai, such as Ficus, which retails for $46 on average.
How much do bonsai trees cost in stores or online?
Bonsai trees cost significantly more from bonsai nurseries than online. While you can purchase bonsai trees from Amazon, the variety and size are less significant than bespoke nurseries.
As such, while you will pay a premium purchasing your bonsai from a nursery, you will have a much more extensive selection of bonsai with the likelihood of having a much healthier tree overall.
To give you a direct example, On Amazon, you can pick up a 30cm Chinese Elm bonsai for around $37. From Heron’s bonsai nursery, this is equivalent to $48.
How much does a bonsai pot cost?
Bonsai pots cost $166.72 per pot on average. Cheap, mass-produced bonsai pots will retail between $13.80 to $29.95. Medium-quality bonsai pots will cost between $69.95 to $137.95. Premium quality antique bonsai pots will cost between $204 to $520.
To read more on this, check out my posts on bonsai pots here.
Other costs associated with bonsai?
So while we have covered the cost of bonsai trees in a fair bit of detail, sadly, it’s not just the trees that are expensive but the upkeep of the plant too.
Knowing the price of other aspects is essential before investing in a tree.
Typical costs for your bonsai will include the following:
- Wire – to help shape your tree – typically between $15 to $25
- Fertilizer – to help feed your tree ‘$80 to $100 for a good quality fertilizer
- Soil – $10 to $20
- Pots – to repot and ensure your tree’s roots aren’t squished – $166 on average for a good quality pot.
- Tools – $40 to $100 for a good bonsai tool set to cut, trim and shape your tree.
- Turntables – to move your tree when trimming $10 to $20
- Pesticides – $30 to $100 on an excellent pesticide
- Grow lights – $30 to $60, depending on the size.
Why is a bonsai tree so expensive?
Bonsai trees are expensive because of the time spent crafting their tree. Bonsai artists can take decades to get a bonsai tree’s exact style, shape, and size. The cost of tools, pots, and general upkeep can cost over $100 per year.
Is bonsai an expensive hobby?
Keeping bonsai can be expensive, with the average hobbyist needing to spend a minimum of $209 for a tree and $200 per year on the wire, tools, fertilizer, and pesticide.
You can find cheaper alternatives for almost all aspects of keeping bonsai.
For example, instead of Scot’s pine bonsai, choose a Fukien tea which is a much cheaper alternative.
Survey results on how much a bonsai tree costs?
Finally, I wanted to finish by surveying 50 plant paladin readers, asking them how much they bought their bonsai trees for.
To summarize:

My top picks for the gear you will need!
So like I mentioned earlier, over the past three years of running PlantPaladin, hundreds of people have asked me for my recommendations on the best bonsai gear on the market.
Having spent thousands of dollars on bonsai items these past few years and tested at least 100 bonsai-specific products, I’ve listed my favorite products below – All of which I highly recommend and think you can get great value.
They can purchase directly by clicking the link to take them to Amazon.
Bonsai Tool Set: One of the significant challenges I’ve had is finding a toolset that was not only durable but didn’t break the bank. SOLIGT has recently developed a fantastic bonsai tool set that covers all the tools you need to trim, prune, and repot your trees. – You can grab it here.
Complete Bonsai Set: Many of you will want to grow your bonsai trees entirely from scratch, but finding the varicose seeds, pots, and other items in one place can be challenging. Leaves and Sole then have created a complete bonsai set that I’ve personally used that ticks all the boxes. You can grab it here.
Bonsai wire: The number of times I’ve run out of wire for my bonsai or purchased cheap bonsai wire that doesn’t do the job is embarrassing for me to admit. After a lot of trial and error, I found that using Hotop’s aluminum bonsai wire is one of the best options on the market. This can easily be used for both indoor and outdoor bonsai. You can grab it here.
This post was written by Fehed Nicass, who has been passionate about bonsai and gardening for over three years.